Pokemon mystery dungeon items serebii
Pokemon mystery dungeon items serebii

pokemon mystery dungeon items serebii

Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When the partner leaves the Pokémon world, they say that "this wasn't supposed to happen," referencing how it's normally the player who leaves in all the other games, not the partner.This time, it's to avoid whatever mistakes the player and Mew did in the past against Dark Matter. Laser-Guided Amnesia: As per usual for the series.Heterosexual Life-Partners / Platonic Life-Partners: Starts a little rocky, but they eventually turn to this for the partner.Naturally, they have no problem swiping them regardless.


Kleptomaniac Hero: They can find shining spots outside of dungeons that give them a free item, even if it's inside another Pokémon's house.Their Pokémon body is apparently grade-school-aged, but their thought processes strongly suggest that their mind is actually a lot older than that.

pokemon mystery dungeon items serebii

  • Fountain of Youth: It's heavily implied that their transformation into a Pokémon also aged them down quite a bit, as they act far more mature than a kid would, and even lampshade when people start referring to them as such.
  • Both are school-aged, amnesiac kids adopted by local adults at Serene Village, but your Partner is loud, mischievous, and outgoing compared to your more responsible, quiet, introspective attitude. They can rival Phoenix Wright in terms of internal snark at points.
  • First-Person Smartass: Easily the snarkiest of the PMD protagonists so far, even if they don't always speak their mind.
  • Dude Where Is My Respect: Pancham may give them a pass for rescuing Budew, but the guy doesn't think too highly of them anyway, much less to their partner.
  • Decoy Protagonist: The story centers much more on the partner than the Player.
  • Ultimately averted when the player and partner rescue Budew in Nectar Meadow.
  • Cassandra Truth: When the player tells the class about how they were a human, Pancham's jerkassery convinces everyone (but the partner) into thinking they're a liar.
  • In one of the most heartbreaking moments in the whole Mystery Dungeon sub-franchise of games (which is saying a lot), this is cruelly subverted, in that it's your partner that must leave instead.
  • But Now I Must Go: Lampshaded by the player, as they realize that with Dark Matter defeated, it must mean they have to go back home to the human world.
  • Player: (That's one way of looking at it.but I'm pretty sure everyone just wanted to hurry up and eat.)


    Here's one example from after the PC reveals they are a human to the expedition society.

  • Part of the reason for their Brutal Honesty tendencies may be because the player only gets to see their thoughts, so it's not actually clear how much of their ruder comments get voiced.
  • Most notably when they tell Nuzleaf that they didn't miss him at all during his first absence.
  • Brutal Honesty: They have their moments.
  • When Mew, someone considered a child, was missing after they regained consciousness, they stopped at nothing to look for him.


    When they hear of a little girl going into a dangerous dungeon full of aggressive insects, they instantly cut school to go save her. When Goomy was trapped in a forest, they decided to go save him when no one else would. They're very quick to jump at the chance to save any child.

  • Big Brother Instinct: Or whatever kind of sibling you would be.
  • Back from the Dead: After being petrified by Nuzleaf and Yveltal, they and their partner travel over the voidlands, the game equivalent of Hell, to return back to life.
  • Amnesiac Hero: They're Mew's human partner, who helped defeat Dark Matter originally.
  • This implies they have met at some point, but no more details are given about this.
  • Ambiguous Situation: The Hydreigon from Gates to Infinity, when talked to, is surprised that the player cannot recognize him.
  • pokemon mystery dungeon items serebii

    Female Pikachu have a notch in its tail to look heart-shaped.) as the appearance defaults to a male Pokémon's appearance. This, however, gets caught in a snag if the player's Pokémon has gender differences, (e.g.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Your player character's gender is not specified, since your player character is meant to represent you, the player.
  • Several NPC Pokémon even comment on how kind and approachable the player character is. Even Pokémon who were their enemies in the main story can be connected with.
  • All-Loving Hero: The player can connect and make friends with every single species of Pokémon up to this point in the series.
  • A human who has been transformed into a Pokémon, and struck with amnesia.

    Pokemon mystery dungeon items serebii